Arts & Crafts Fair Graphic - August 16, 2025

Application Deadline: Open

Exhibitor Application

Are you an artist? Do you make quality, creative hand-made items? Apply below to be an exhibitor at our annual Arts & Crafts Fair in August. Eligible exhibitors have the opportunity to win the coveted Artist of the Month status.

We’d love for you to apply to be an exhibitor!


  • Exposure for your business.
  • 12 exhibitors are chosen for Hansen Museum Artist of the Month for the following year. Go here to learn more.


  • All media must be handmade
  • All food items must be professionally packaged and preserved
  • Exhibitors are responsible to collect and report Kansas sales tax – forms provided


  • Application Deadline: Open
  • Arts & Crafts Fair Date: August 16, 2025
  • Day of Registration begins at 6:00 a.m.
  • Display area must be ready to sell at 9:00 a.m.
  • Judging for Artist of the Month begins at 9:00 a.m. (see Artist of the Month rules below).
  • Tear down begins at 3:00 p.m. – no early tear downs please.

Equipment and Amenities

  • Up to 3 tables available for a fee. Add them to your registration below.
  • Placement requests can be made and will be honored to the best of the Director’s ability.
  • Requests for water and electricity must be made when submitting your registration form and will be given as accommodations allow. These amenities are limited – no guarantees.

Crafter’s Application & Release

Expand to Apply

Step 1 of 3


Billing Address(Required)

Mailing Address(Required)

Artist of the Month Contest

Encouraging All Crafters to Strive for Excellence in their Art Form

Each year, the Museum Director selects a distinguished individual or panel with exceptional credentials to judge and choose twelve (12) winners and two (2) alternates from the crafters participating in our Fair. The selected crafters are then honored as our “Artists of the Month” for the following year.

Crafters are judged for their uniqueness, creativity, presentation, individual art form and excellence of their craft.

As a winner of this prestigious award:

  • You will win a prize that recognizes your outstanding achievement.
  • Your work will be showcased in the Museum during your designated month of honor.
  • Museum staff will handle the sale of your items on your behalf.
  • You will receive a $100 honorarium and reimbursement for mileage for one round trip from your home to the Hansen Museum.


  • Your name, city, state, and craft will be prominently featured in our quarterly newsletter, ensuring widespread visibility for your work.
  • You may also be featured in articles published in local newspapers and on various websites.

Winners Responsibilities

  • Please arrange to set up your display inside the Museum as close to the beginning of your assigned month as possible.
  • You will also be responsible for picking up your display at the end of your designated month.


  • Crafters are not eligible to win the “Artist of the Month” award for three consecutive years. To qualify, you may win for two years and must take a break for one year.
  • This ruling on consecutive wins applies to alternates only when they fill an ‘Artist of the Month’ opening. Alternates who step in are subject to the same two-year win limit, followed by a one-year break.